Be a Laundry Ninja

Be a Laundry Ninja
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are a fascinating group, wouldn’t you say? Their home is below ground in the New York sewer – certainly nothing impressive about that. But just in the nick of time, they always seem to show up ready and willing to battle criminals, overlords and aliens. They simply appear out of nowhere, get the job done and then disappear again.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be a laundry ninja? You show up when needed, get the job done and then go back to what you were doing. Instead you spend time gathering, sorting, pretreating, checking, hanging and drying. The amount of time it takes to do all of the laundry is almost criminal.

Have no fear! Your Mr. Appliance® technicians believe there is indeed an inner laundry ninja in you and we’re going to help you bring that ninja out front and center. Here are our Mr. Appliance tips to help you be a powerful, invincible and unbeatable laundry ninja.

Sort Like Leonardo

Radical! Label three hampers or baskets with dark, light and white. And as dirty clothes are taken off each night, simply toss into the appropriate bin. No more laborious laundry sorting for you! An embarrassing blow to the laundry-sorting time bandit.

Pre-Treat Like Donatello

Uh, mega! Pre-treating is key for stain removal. But each stain has it’s own super power. So, you have to know what weapon to use to defeat the relentless stain villain.

Wash Like Michelangelo

Bodacious! Keep a dry erase marker nearby and make notes on the washer with special after-wash instructions like don’t dry red shirt or check stain on white dress. You’ll kick that menacing after-wash-mishap scoundrel to the curb.

Dry Like Raphael

Totally tubular, dude! Suspend an old ladder from the ceiling of your laundry room. Paint it and dress it up however you like. This makes a fabulous out-of-the-way drying rack. Knock out the space thief once and for all.

Cowabunga, Dude! You are so ready for your bandana. You are officially a Laundry Ninja. You can now battle dirty laundry like nobody’s business.